Las palabras más importantes no se gritan, se susurran al oído.

jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2013

Mi inteto de rap...

Hey listen,

This is my first rap,
and I've never done anything like that.
My english is not good,
they always tell me that on my neighborhood.
But it doesn't matter
I'm not pretending to be a rapper
I just want to tell you a story,
the story of my life without glory.

I don't know why,
but I'm shy
and I should think and try
and maybe I could fly,
or just like in my dreams I could touch the sky.

But this is reality,
this is not like a party,
everybody says: "is simple",
I don't agree, it depends on the people.
Someone like me would try to be free,
someone like you would try what everybody do.

Believe in yourself today
and everything will be OK
don't listen a what they say,
they say that things just for you to stay
but you don't wanna play

(Esto que acabáis de leer es un "intento de rap" que tengo escrito en mi agenda de 2º de BACH, ¿por qué ahí? porque esto se me iba ocurriendo en mitad de una clase, o mientras estudiaba... sí, con esto me distraía yo de vez en cuando.)

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